Under the Variable section click on Path and then click on the Edit button. Focusing on the top section you have an area divided into 2 parts: Variable and Value. Step 7: A new window will popup called "Environment Variables". Step 6: From the upper tabs within System Properties window click on the tab called "Advanced", then click on the bottom right where it says "Environment Variables." Step 5: On the left side click on "Advanced system settings" (a new window will popup System Properties) Step 4: Right click on "This PC" and select Properties. If you did this correctly then if you navigate to C:\bin you will find 3 programs that you just copied : ffmpeg.exe ffplay.exe and ffprobe.exe. Step 3: Copy all three items located within the ffmpeg folder that was just extracted to your newly created folder in your C drive. Step 2: Go to your "C:" drive and create a folder called "bin" We will only use the folder called "bin". Inside the folder you will find 3 folders and 2 other documents.

This will create a folder called "ffmpeg-40e79-full_build". Here is the link to the zip file to make it easy to download. Step 1: Download ffmpeg from gyans website.